The opinions I state on this website and blog are my own. If I receive free items for evaluation it will not influence my opinion or recommendation. Everything I write is my open and honest opinion based on my background knowledge and experience. At this time I have not received payment for topic inclusions, company or product mentions or sponsor-authored content in any posts. I don’t have advertising space on this site as a source of revenue.

Emerson Ecologics Practitioner: affiliation with Emerson Ecologics as a dietary supplement provider entitles nutrition eats counseling, PLLC to a small percentage on all orders. See Dietary Supplements Policy

These affiliations would not be useful unless nutrition eats counseling, PLLC fully supported each of these companies and the work that they do. Their work benefits clients in reaching optimal wellness and provides a small source of revenue to ensure nutrition eats counseling, PLLC can continue to provide valuable services.

This site does not contain any content that would present as a conflict of interest.